Hey, Welcome! Meta Content Ahead.
This blog has always served as sort of my repository for thoughts that otherwise would get lost. It also allows me to occasionally think more deeply about issues that matter to me. I made the blog public so I would be forced to focus and correct the typos.
After awhile I began to wonder if anyone was reading these posts, I hardly ever have anyone leave comments (other than the online poker and discount Viagra folks.) So I got me one of them sitemeter doohickeys to get some answers.
The vast majority of visitors to this site have linked over from NYCO's Blog. This is understandable since this blog is the hub around which all the rest of the CNY blogosphere revolves--I think Baloghblog called it the "mack daddy" of local blogs. I use NYCO's Blog as my favorites list when I surf around area blogs. (It must be the great writing. Today's post on the Cheney incident summed up the entire problem with the Bush administration in about 100 words.)
My blog name brings me a lot of traffic. I get a healthy number of folks who have an interest in illegal street racing, both pro and con. They link to me from search engines, take one look at posts about rockers, Red Sox and local politics and accelerate on to the next site.
However, my blog name also gets me a lot of Springsteen fans (of which I am a diehard) but most of them seem to be ONLY interested in Bruce and stay for the requisite 1-2 seconds before they are Born to Run again. However, these fans also constitute my first foray into international waters as I have gotten several French, Spanish and English fans coming by.
I recently had my first experinece with being hyper-linked on a (Inter)national blog. My post on Bono's homily at the National Prayer Breakfast was included in a wrap-up of many such posts by a blog dedicated to the religious aspects of U2. This led to a flurry of hits and an honest to goodness comment (positive too!).
Well, back to the regular stuff next time--you know rants about the crappy state of Syracuse, review of Bruce's new release (the audio version of the 1975 Hammersmith Odeon DVD) and the exploits of the Boston Red Sox' newest star and the player with the best name in all of major league baseball--Coco Crisp!
After awhile I began to wonder if anyone was reading these posts, I hardly ever have anyone leave comments (other than the online poker and discount Viagra folks.) So I got me one of them sitemeter doohickeys to get some answers.
The vast majority of visitors to this site have linked over from NYCO's Blog. This is understandable since this blog is the hub around which all the rest of the CNY blogosphere revolves--I think Baloghblog called it the "mack daddy" of local blogs. I use NYCO's Blog as my favorites list when I surf around area blogs. (It must be the great writing. Today's post on the Cheney incident summed up the entire problem with the Bush administration in about 100 words.)
My blog name brings me a lot of traffic. I get a healthy number of folks who have an interest in illegal street racing, both pro and con. They link to me from search engines, take one look at posts about rockers, Red Sox and local politics and accelerate on to the next site.
However, my blog name also gets me a lot of Springsteen fans (of which I am a diehard) but most of them seem to be ONLY interested in Bruce and stay for the requisite 1-2 seconds before they are Born to Run again. However, these fans also constitute my first foray into international waters as I have gotten several French, Spanish and English fans coming by.
I recently had my first experinece with being hyper-linked on a (Inter)national blog. My post on Bono's homily at the National Prayer Breakfast was included in a wrap-up of many such posts by a blog dedicated to the religious aspects of U2. This led to a flurry of hits and an honest to goodness comment (positive too!).
Well, back to the regular stuff next time--you know rants about the crappy state of Syracuse, review of Bruce's new release (the audio version of the 1975 Hammersmith Odeon DVD) and the exploits of the Boston Red Sox' newest star and the player with the best name in all of major league baseball--Coco Crisp!
I read your blog thru a RSS feed at Bloglines. Unfortunately there is no way to judge how many people do the same.
Keep up the good work. And more Bruce posts for my wife, the second biggest Bruce fan in CNY
Posted by
baloghblog |
4:02 PM