More Born To Run 30th Anniversary Swag
From Springsteen News
The Born to Run 30th anniversary celebration continues, with a magnificent coffee table book from cover photographer Eric Meola due in September. In Born to Run: The Unseen Photos, Meola shares a wealth of images from his 1975 cover session -- more than 100 black and white outtakes, most published here for the first time, in stunning quality. The Worcester Telegram & Gazette News has a piece on the making of the book, including the $50,000 scanner and 350 hours of work for scanning alone. This 12” x 12”, LP-sized hardback will also have Springsteen’s complete lyrics from the album, an introduction by Daniel Wolff (author of 4th of July, Asbury Park: A History of the Promised Land), and a foreword from Meola himself to set the scene. The photographer is donating his share of the proceeds to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.
The Born to Run 30th anniversary celebration continues, with a magnificent coffee table book from cover photographer Eric Meola due in September. In Born to Run: The Unseen Photos, Meola shares a wealth of images from his 1975 cover session -- more than 100 black and white outtakes, most published here for the first time, in stunning quality. The Worcester Telegram & Gazette News has a piece on the making of the book, including the $50,000 scanner and 350 hours of work for scanning alone. This 12” x 12”, LP-sized hardback will also have Springsteen’s complete lyrics from the album, an introduction by Daniel Wolff (author of 4th of July, Asbury Park: A History of the Promised Land), and a foreword from Meola himself to set the scene. The photographer is donating his share of the proceeds to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.
The Limited Edition is looking sweet...I'm still trying to talk myself into it versus the standard edition...
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Anonymous |
12:29 AM